A global test
bed for mobility innovations

Our Mission

To solve global mobility challenges and deliver local benefits


Improving access to employment, leisure and essential services such as healthcare and education


Reducing the impact of transport on the environment


Attracting investment in infrastructure and innovation to make Dundee more competitive and create new economic opportunities

Why Dundee?

Dundee has a global reputation as a hub of innovation and is the UK’s first UNESCO City of Design and Creativity.

Dundee has a proud track record of delivering breakthroughs in smart and sustainable mobility. 

This includes being at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution and hosting Scotland’s National Entitlement Card.

What is The MILL?

An innovation centre to make Dundee a global test bed for advanced transport technologies and services


Developing user-led solutions that meet real needs and support positive behavioural changes


Providing access to infrastructure, data and end-users to pilot new products and services


Support in accessing funding and finding routes to market nationally and globally

How can we help?

The MILL is transforming Dundee into a real-world test and experimentation environment for innovative mobility solutions. 

This is creating opportunities for new products, services and business models to be developed and trialled.

We provide expert support to large and small businesses. This includes help to access funding, infrastructure and end-users. 

The MILL also facilitates collaborations, helps to scale solutions to other Scottish cities and creates opportunities to promote innovations to global markets.

ShareMORE Pilot Projects

The MILL is run by Urban Foresight on behalf of Dundee City Council.

The first wave of projects to be run through The MILL are called ShareMORE (Shared Mobility and Resource Efficiency). They are being introduced throughout 2019 and include projects covering car clubs, parking and a new eBike sharing scheme in the city.

The aim of The MILL is to demonstrate how innovations in transport technologies, business models and data can improve wellbeing and quality of life, such as connecting people with essential services and enhancing economic opportunities.

Discover more about the individual projects.


The MILL is run by Urban Foresight on behalf of Dundee City Council. The project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Scottish Government’s Lowlands and Uplands Scotland ESIF Programme. 

The MILL is part of the ‘Smart Services- Mobility’ operation of Scotland’s 8th City Programme. The goal of  the operation is to create an integrated and replicable framework of solutions to open up data and deliver new innovative services to make shared mobility across Aberdeen, Dundee, and Stirling cost effective and convenient, providing a sustainable alternative to private transport. It aims, through this, to encourage a modal shift to low carbon travel, reducing carbon emissions and making the cities more sustainable.

The operation receives 40% of its funding from the European Regional Development Fund.