Mobility as a Service App

Integrating innovation with established transport in Dundee


Mobility as a Service App

A key objective of The MILL is to achieve integration between the innovative services that are being developed in Dundee and established transport services.

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) gives customers a single interface through which they can access a range of transportation services in their community. This includes seamless journey planning across modes, flexible and integrated payments and personalised services based on user preferences.

MaaS also offers a way to collect data in an anonymised and aggregated form. This can help transport planners to better understand when and where individuals are travelling and by which mode. It can also be used to optimise existing transport networks, distribute demand across modes and to prioritise necessary infrastructure enhancements.

A potential barrier to the greater uptake of public transport usage is the complexity of options available and access to scheduling and other information. This can be exacerbated by introducing new modes of transportation, such as the e-bike scheme or car clubs, where potential users may struggle to efficiently engage with these. MaaS provides a solution by enabling people to connect to multiple transport services in the city using a bespoke App on their smartphone.

An app will provide on-demand access to real time data on a range of transport services. The aim is to make it more convenient and desirable to use public, shared, and sustainable transport services for journeys in and around the city.

Although not yet released to the public, this project has developed the bespoke GetGo Dundee App for Dundee to enhance the travelling experience of residents and visitors.

It will give customers flexibility to decide between modes, schedules and price points. It will also provide data-led intelligence to identify service gaps that can be filled by incorporating new mobility solutions into the network.

Beta testing has been done with the residence of Dundee and future developments of the app are currently being explored.

Many of the reported benefits of MaaS are linked to encouraging people to use public and shared modes of transport rather than private cars. These include:

  • Improving the quality and convenience of travel.
  • Redistributing travellers to their most efficient mode of transport, in terms of cost and other factors.
  • Reducing overall transport times by informing network improvements.
  • Enabling better monitoring, management and planning of mobility services.
  • Potentially lowering traffic congestion and the environmental impact of transport.
  • Lowering the cost of mobility by widening the range of suppliers and increasing accessibility.
  • Enabling revenue growth for transport service providers, either by opening new revenue sources or enlarging the market.
  • Increasing regional responsiveness to the evolution and emergence of new transport services.